Support the kids in your children’s ministry with these free Sunday school and small group lessons created just for them. This ultimate guide of free Bible stories and lessons will help you share Jesus with the children at your church.
60+ Real Life Bible Stories from Scripture
Bible Stories from Genesis
Creation: Use this lesson outline to teach elementary students about the Creation story found in Genesis 1—3. It’s the very beginning of the Big God Story!
Adam and Eve: Elementary kids discover that God created us to live in community with each other and with Him. Use this lesson to teach children about how God wants to be with us.
Cain and Abel: Use this grab-and-go lesson to teach elementary kids that God corrects us because He loves us. Kids will be encouraged to ask for forgiveness when they do wrong.
Noah’s Ark: Share the Noah’s Ark story and discover how one animal in particular can help us bring it to life for elementary kids. (Also check out Simple Noah’s Ark Crafts and Activities You Can Download for Free)
Tower of Babel: Teach elementary students about the Tower of Babel and how God is the only one worthy of our worship.
Balaam and the Donkey: Share the story of Balaam and discover how one animal in particular can help us bring it to life for elementary kids.
God’s Covenant with Abraham: Use this grab-and-go lesson to teach elementary kids that God keeps His promises!
Isaac and Rebekah: Help elementary kids discover the Biblical story of Isaac and Rebekah and how one animal in particular can help bring it to life.
Jacob Wrestles with God: Share this grab-and-go with elementary kids as they discover God’s faithfulness to us through the story of Jacob wrestling with God.
Joseph: Use this lesson to teach elementary students about forgiveness through the story of Joseph.
Joseph and God’s Faithfulness: Help elementary kids discover that in the end, God’s in control with this grab-and-go lesson.
This ultimate guide of free Bible stories and lessons will help you share Jesus with the children at your church.
Bible Stories from Exodus
Moses and the Burning Bush: Teach elementary kids that God will help them with difficult tasks using this grab-and-go lesson.
Plagues of Egypt: Use this grab-and-go lesson to teach elementary kids all about God’s power.
Parting of the Red Sea: While Moses might not know what to do next, God had a plan for Moses—and God has a plan for us too. Teach elementary kids about our faithful God who has plans for them!
Golden Calf: Inspire kids to worship only God with this grab-and-go lesson.
10 Commandments Activities Free to Download: Make the 10 Commandments relevant for kids with these surprising ideas.
Age-Appropriate Versions of the Ten Commandments for Kids: Age-appropriate version of the Ten Commandments, plus tips for teaching this tricky subject.

Bible Stories from Numbers
Israelites in the Desert: Look at the Biblical story of the Israelites in the desert and discover how one animal in particular can help us bring it to life for elementary kids.

66 Short Bible Verses Perfect for Kids to Memorize

66 Short Bible Verses Perfect for Kids to Memorize

66 Short Bible Verses Perfect for Kids to Memorize
Lessons from Joshua
Walls of Jericho: Use this lesson to teach elementary students about God’s faithfulness through the story about the Walls of Jericho.
Bible Stories from Judges
Samson and Delilah: Use this lesson to teach preteen students about how God is strength and God gives them strength.
Bible Stories from Ruth
Ruth and Boaz (Elementary Lesson): Teach kids that God is our redeemer with this grab-and-go lesson!
From 1 Samuel
Jesse and David: This elementary lesson preview is pulled from the 5-lesson Christmas Series from Wonder Ink. It can be used in large group/small group and in classrooms.
David and Goliath: Use this lesson outline to teach the David and Goliath story for kids. They’ll see how God can help with even the biggest of problems.
Bible Stories from Jonah
Jonah and the Whale: This free grab-and-go lesson brings the story of Jonah to life. Help preschool and elementary children learn how God used an animal and Jonah to accomplish his purpose.
Jonah and the Whale: God forgives us and that’s good news! Use this grab-and-go lesson to teach elementary kids.
Lessons from Ezekiel
Ezekiel and the Dry Bones: This elementary lesson preview is pulled from the 5-lesson Easter Series from Wonder Ink.
Bible Stories from Daniel
Fire-y Furnace: Help preschool children know how much God loves and cares for them with this grab-and-go lesson.
Daniel in the Lions’ Den: Share the story of Daniel in the lions’ den and discover how to bring it to life for kids.
Bible Stories from Matthew
Jesus in the Temple: Help preschool children begin to identify God’s love in their lives.
Jesus’ Baptism: When we consider that the perfect Son of God asked a man to baptize Him, we should be humbled by His example. Use this grab-and-go lesson to help preschool kids know that they can obey and please God!
The Lord’s Prayer: Use this lesson outline to teach elementary students about the Lord’s Prayer and how Jesus used it as an example to point out the right and wrong ways to pray.
Jesus Calms the Storm: In this lesson, Jesus brings peace to a stormy sea and peace to His disciples. Teach elementary kids that when Jesus is in control of their lives, they have nothing to worry about or fear.
Parable of the Mustard Seed: This story is actually an illustration, but it’s a powerful one. Teach elementary kids that when God is there, big things come from small ones.
Jesus Feeds 5,000: Use this elementary lesson from Matthew 14 and John 6 to show how Jesus is compassionate. He invites us to be compassionate too!
Jesus Walks on Water: Use this elementary lesson from Matthew 14 to teach kids about strong faith.
The Temple Tax: Share the story of the temple tax and how one animal can help us bring it to life for kids.
More from Matthew
Parable of the Unforgiving Servant: Elementary kids discover that we can forgive others just like God forgives us in this grab-and-go lesson.
Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard: In this elementary lesson, kids learn that the kingdom of God isn’t just about rules or behavior or justice. It’s also about grace.
Palm Sunday: Palm Sunday can be big fun for the kids in your ministry with this free lesson!
Parable of the Sheep and the Goats: Use this lesson outline to teach elementary students about Jesus’s parable of the sheep and the goats found in the book of Matthew.
Parable of the Talents: Use this lesson outline to teach elementary students about Jesus’s parable of the talents found in the book of Matthew.
The Last Supper: Teach preschoolers and early elementary students about the disciples’ last supper with Jesus.
Good Friday: Teach preschoolers and early elementary students about Jesus’s death on the cross. It’s perfect to use when you teach on Good Friday.
The Great Commission: Show elementary students how Jesus commanded His disciples to go and make disciples in the Great Commission.
Bible Lessons from Mark
Miracles of Jesus: Jesus Heals a Woman and a Girl: You can use this grab-and-go lesson to teach elementary kids that Jesus is God and He knows everything!
Let the Children Come to Me: Teach preschool children that they can always come to Jesus because He loves them.
Easter Sunday: Use this lesson outline to teach preschoolers and early elementary students about Jesus’s resurrection. It’s perfect as an Easter Sunday School lesson. (Also check out 49 Brilliant Easter Games, Crafts, and Activities for Sunday School)
Bible Stories from Luke
The Birth of Jesus: Use this lesson to teach elementary children about Jesus’s birth.
Names of Jesus: Messiah: Use this lesson to teach kids about the meaning of one of the names of Jesus: Messiah.
Parable of the Sower: Use this lesson to teach elementary students the parable of the sower. It shows how Jesus wants us to grow!
Parable of the Good Samaritan: Teach elementary students about Jesus’s parable of the Good Samaritan found in the book of Luke.
The Parable of the Lost Sheep: Look at Jesus’s parable of the lost sheep and how to bring it to life for kids.
Parable of the Prodigal Son: Teach elementary students about Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son found in the book of Luke.
Parable of the Lost Coin: Use this grab-and-go lesson to teach kids about how Jesus came to seek and save lost people.
Peter Denies Jesus: Share the story of Peter’s betrayal and discover how one animal in particular can help us bring it to life for kids.

Lessons from John
Jesus Turns Water into Wine: Use this grab-and-go lesson to teach kids that we can ask for Jesus’ help with any situation. And that is a great thing!
Jesus’ Disciples: Children learn about the friends Jesus made with this grab-and-go elementary lesson.
Parable of the Good Shepherd: This elementary lesson helps kids discover just how deep Jesus’ love is for his followers—for us.
Jesus Raises Lazarus: Teach kids about how powerful Jesus is with this fun, elementary lesson!
Vine and Branches: This elementary lesson will help you teach kids about all the great things Jesus can do when we are in Him!

12 Awesome Bible Games for Kids of All Ages

12 Awesome Bible Games for Kids of All Ages

12 Awesome Bible Games for Kids of All Ages
Bible Stories from Acts
Pentecost: This grab-and-go lesson teaches elementary kids that God sent His Holy Spirit to help them.
Ananias and Sapphira: Teach kids about why God wants us to tell the truth and why it’s important.
Paul and Silas in Jail: It wasn’t Paul and Silas’ preaching that brought the jailer to Jesus; it was their actions . . . and actions speak louder than words. This elementary lesson will help you teach kids about how our actions mean a-whole-awful lot!
Paul’s Shipwreck: Teach the story of Paul shipwrecked on Malta and discover how one animal in particular can help us bring it to life for kids.
From Galatians
The Fruit of the Spirit: Teach kids about the Fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5.
Topical Lessons and Resources
The Need for A Rescuer: This elementary lesson helps kids and families lean into their need for our Rescuer God.
I Can Help Others: Use this lesson to teach kids that they can still help people during difficult times.
God Cares About My Grief and Loss: Use this lesson to teach kids that God cares about their grief and help them deal with loss.
God is Provider: Use this lesson to teach kids that God provides.
Taking a Family Prayer Walk: Check out these simple prayer stations families can use to help children trust God when they face worries of many kinds.
God Takes Our Worries: Use this lesson to teach kids that we can give our worries to God.
God Is Stronger Than My Fear: Let’s teach children that they can trust God with their fears—no matter how big or small those fears are.
52 FREE Bible Coloring Pages: From Creation to Revelation, these Bible coloring pages take you through the Scriptures in a year.