In a recent post, we shared what families want from church as a place for you to begin as you work in your children’s or family ministry setting. Today, we’re sharing what they might need from your ministry at church!
So, let’s dive right in.
What Do Families Need from Church?
Everything rises & falls on leadership. It’s no different in our churches and with our families. Yet so many churches lack this essential characteristic in their children’s and family ministry.
So, what is leadership? Leadership is the capacity to influence others toward the pursuit of a worthy vision. In ministry, it looks a lot like servant leadership. And if you aren’t yet able to do that, it’s so important that you do learn to, especially as the leader in your area. Make it a priority!
As you learn how to lead, make sure you develop others to do the same. You’ll be amazed at how your ministry will change when it is filled with people who lead.
And remember that strong leader ensure that ministry management and coaching are done and done well. Although vision in leadership is priority, you need to also manage your ministry as a coach in order to coordinate the efforts of those pursuing the vision.
As you learn how to lead, make sure you develop others to do the same.
We mentioned this in the wants post, but it’s here again because it is so important.
It’s so important that we develop an ability to communicate many things well. When we’re able to communicate things like our ministry vision and details that fall under that vision—like events and at-home partnership—families are more apt to get on board.
And communication can’t happen only one time or one way. Ultimately the burden is on us to ensure we’re heard.

Ready to help parents create an environment for spiritual growth?

Ready to help parents create an environment for spiritual growth?

Ready to help parents create an environment for spiritual growth?
A Plan
The most important plan you can develop is one for the faith formation of children. So, if a child is in your ministry birth through 6th grade, what’s the plan? What do you want them to know? How do you see their faith developing (and how are you communicating this)?
Does your curriculum align with this plan? Does your volunteer structure? There are a lot of questions to ask yourself and your team as you plan. That’s why you begin with the vision and build from there.
Do you have plans in place to encourage parents to participate? And how do you equip those parents?
Remember that most parents recognize they are the primary spiritual influencers in their children’s lives, but they just don’t know how to begin. Walking alongside them with a plan gives them confidence and helps equip them for this important role.

There are lots of places we could go with this one, but a big opportunity that families need is an opportunity to serve together.
If a child is in your ministry birth through 6th grade, what’s the plan?
When children and families serve, the likelihood of faith ownership increases dramatically. Find ways to allow families to serve—anything and everything from cutting out crafts to participating in service projects to going on mission trips.
There is little you can do that will shape faith more practically than presenting opportunities to serve as a community.
Ministry happens best in the context of relationships.
Whatever you are trying to accomplish, you’re going to do it better and it’s going to have deeper impact if it’s built on a solid relationship.
You and your team should build relationships with kids and with parents alike. And create opportunities for parents to also build relationships with other parents.
Teaching will be better. Attendance will be better. Recruiting will be better. You get the idea.
Scriptural Teaching and Discipleship
A lot of times we assume that Scriptural teaching and discipleship are included, but we’ve seen them forgotten too many times. Ultimately, discipleship should be the goal of our ministries. It’s our calling from Jesus—our mandate.
Families need us to remain focused on Biblical teaching. Not our interpretation. Not our opinions. But they need us to rely on and remain in the Word of God.
With the ever-increasing noise in the world today, we must remain true to Scripture. Especially when it’s hard. And we must continue presenting it to our families.