What is the main thing? The gospel of Jesus Christ, plain and simple!

There is so much that goes into children’s ministry. This article is meant to help you continue to strengthen yourself and your ministry. The list in this article includes many things to help make a great children’s ministry leader, along with helpful articles, resources, and webinars to equip you as you dive in.

This list is not exhaustive, but it is highly important to do these 7 things!

7 Things that Make a Great Children’s Ministry Leader

1. Love God in Word and Action

Sometimes we get so caught up in the ‘do’ of our work that we let our relationship with God slip. It’s imperative that we keep Him central in our lives. We don’t want to labor in vain!

2. Love Your Family and Prioritize Them

This one, just like the last, is easy to lose sight of in the middle of all we have to do in ministry! But prioritizing and loving our own families is key to serving in ministry and setting the example of what it means to follow Jesus.

Be sure in the middle of the busy to keep them a priority!

3. Lead with Vision

What makes a great children’s ministry leader? Setting a vision and leading with it daily. Make sure it’s in your conversations, your trainings, your lessons, and all that goes into your ministry. See the big picture and express it constantly!

4. Partner with Parents in Discipleship

Walk alongside parents and equip them to be disciple makers. As we understand that primary spiritual formation happens in the home, it’s key to equip parents for ministry at home! While this sounds like a lot, we don’t have to overcomplicate it!

What makes a great children’s ministry leader? Setting a vision and leading with it daily.

5. Grow Yourself and Other Leaders

Don’t feel like you have to lead all on your own. What makes a great children’s ministry leader is when you grow other leaders and allow them to shine with the gifts that God has given them! You can’t lead alone. Relationships are key in ministry!

6. Delegate Responsibilities

Share ministry with your team and your volunteers. Stay out front by entrusting the work to your team! You do what only you can and allow them to do what only they can!

7. Great Children’s Ministry Leaders Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

What is the main thing? The gospel of Jesus Christ, plain and simple! Engaging children is critical, yes—the fun, the lessons, the atmosphere! But without the main thing, it’s simply fluff.

Make sure to keep it central in all you do. Jesus is for you. And He is for the kids, families, and volunteers in your ministry. They need to know that!

Making an Impact in Your Children’s Ministry

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