The longer you are in children’s ministry, the more you realize how important it is for your curriculum choice to support the vision and mission of your ministry and church.

What do you want your children to know about God? And even more importantly, how do you want to help children know God? If you want a curriculum with Jesus at the center of every lesson, Gospel Light is one you must consider!

Gospel Light curriculum is built to guide children to a deeper understanding of who Jesus is through relational connection, Bible teaching, and a central focus on the gospel. It emphasizes a relational experience of evangelism and discipleship—learning who Jesus is and what it means to follow Him.

Gospel Light is a curriculum built to guide children to a deeper understanding of who Jesus is through relational connection, Bible teaching, and a central focus on the gospel.

Gospel Light Points Children to Jesus

Making Meaning through Play

For young children, the way they make meaning is through play. We see this when children explore the world with their imaginations. An example of this is when we see children pretend to play house.

Have you ever seen a child play church before? Seeing a child pretend to be the pastor of the congregation and teach the Word of God to those around them is holy. While they may think they are pretending, we are witnessing evangelism. We are witnessing how they may share Jesus with others.

Isn’t that beautiful? Because play is the language of young children, it is one of the primary ways to engage them in learning. Within Gospel Light, the youngest children always begin with play. This is done through art, dramatic play, games, and blocks.

And play is something that should never stop. As kids grow, the ways they play change, but the focus doesn’t vanish. Gospel Light suggests different types of play for every age group, whether that is through a small group activity, art experience, or game. There are always active options to help engage all children.

kids smiling at camera while playing with clay at table in classroom

Building Blocks to Biblical Literacy

Helping children know God and who He is starts with the Bible. This is the foundation of faith that helps us to know God’s story, which reveals to us who God is and what He has done.

While focusing on the Bible is quite common in curriculum, how the Bible is utilized and taught varies. If we want to help kids see God’s story and see their place in it, they need to read and explore it. They need to experience stories over and over again.

If a child starts from the very beginning with Gospel Light, by the time she finishes sixth grade she will have explored the entire Bible four times. The scope and sequence of Gospel Light is built to help kids grow in Biblical literacy. Imagine the children in your ministry knowing the whole story of Scripture, being able to make connections between the Old and New Testaments, and learning more about Jesus. Gospel Light supports the Biblical literacy journey.

Each age level builds on how kids will explore and engage the Bible through three main steps.

  • Preschool–Kindergarten: Play to Learn, Listen to Learn, Talk to Learn
  • Grades 1–4: Get Thinking, Get God’s Word, Get Talking
  • Grades 5–6: Discovery, Study, Application

Not only does this developmentally appropriate, three-step approach provide consistency, it makes it easy for teachers to prepare. Additionally, worship songs are included for all age levels to help your kids engage with God and reinforce what they are learning about Him.

Personal Connection to Jesus

Within every lesson of Gospel Light, whether it is through the Bible story teaching or an activity, children are introduced to Jesus. Children are shown the connections of the story they are exploring and how it relates to Jesus.

For example, when teaching on Jesus having compassion for the widow and healing her son in Luke 7, Gospel Light focuses on what this healing meant and what it shows us about Jesus.

Share the gospel and guide kids to a deep understanding of Jesus.

“When Jesus raised the young man from the dead, the people thought Jesus was a prophet—a messenger from God. They praised God because He had come to help His people. While the people didn’t understand who Jesus really was, they were right about one very important thing: God HAD come to help His people. Jesus IS the one true God, and He came to help all people, including you and me.”

Every quarter of Gospel Light curriculum includes a how-to for guiding a child toward Jesus. This all starts with being living examples of God’s love to each child we encounter and showing children who Jesus is through what we say and do. Gospel Light continually supports leaders and families in how to create opportunities to talk with children about receiving Jesus Christ as Savior. What a gift!

What Is Your Next Step?

As you explore what your children need most, don’t forget the power of the gospel to changes lives. Share the gospel and guide kids to a deeper understanding of Jesus. What will you do next?

Gospel Light

Because the Gospel Changes Lives

With our easy-prep lessons, teachers can focus on building relationships with kids and pointing them to Jesus as they explore God’s Word.

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