Have you ever tried to follow a recipe that didn’t have clear steps in it? Perhaps you found it in a hurried online search but realized after it was too late that the information was incomplete or confusing.

In contrast, what happens when the steps for a recipe are laid out in a simple, easy-to-follow way? Maybe you traded in finding random recipes on sites called things like Karen’s Kozy Kafe (yes, with all the Ks) for a tried-and-true cookbook that is beautiful and tested and ensures your meals come out with near perfection each time.

You can see it makes all the difference. Not only for one day but for days upon days and maybe even years to come.

Now imagine you could find similar ingredients to this final scenario in a children’s curriculum. Most of us want something that makes a difference in our children’s faith, not just for one day but for every day. We want something that takes the key moments in our weekly gatherings and teaches students how to build their faith on their own for years to come.

This is what Bible-in-Life can do. Bible-in-Life Children’s Curriculum is a comprehensive and flexible solution that not only imparts the knowledge of the Bible but also instills the values and biblical principles that can guide young hearts throughout their lives.

Let’s look at several ways Bible-in-Life does this.

There is no better place to go than to God and His Word.

Life Application

Step-by-Step Lessons

Preparation with Bible-in-Life is easy. Each lesson equips the leader with a devotional and commentary on the passage. Then it moves into a four-step lesson path for classroom teaching.

  • Step 1: Introductory activities and discussion based on the lesson theme or passage
  • Step 2: Opening the Bible and hearing the passage
  • Step 3: Activities that help the students review what they just heard
  • Step 4: Responding to God’s Word with prompts that help them connect the Bible to everyday life

Each lesson also offers the teacher helpful tips so that they are ready with extra options and answers to discussion questions.

Helpful In-Class Resources

Every age level has appealing student resources and colorful visuals to help enhance the lessons. These items span across all steps in creative ways and their use is clearly explained for the Teacher’s Guide and also on each resource.

There are posters, student books, Bible story pictures and figures, and more. These items are available already printed or as digital materials.

african american mother and daughter playing video games

Take Home Resources

Bible-in-Life also offers at-home study and devotional resources for students. This further supports the idea of an everyday relationship with God through His Word. These resources are an excellent way to encourage daily engagement with Scripture that foster a deeper understanding and connection with God.

Among these materials are items for families to use with children as well. Families are a key part of connecting God’s Word to everyday life, and Bible-in-Life keeps equipping them in mind as well.

Age Appropriate

Bible-in-Life resources are for toddlers through high school. No child is too young to connect Biblical wisdom to their life! Each age level provides age-appropriate resources and activities so kids can understand what is being taught and how to use the Bible on their own.

Further, for older age levels, Bible-in-Life provides Real Life Downloaded. It addresses current, cutting-edge topics and avoids pat answers to move students into relying on their relationship with the God who made them. Fresh content is available for every lesson.

The Bible Matters

To some children the Bible can seem like an interesting history book or something that simply tells them what to do. Bible-in-Life intentionally shows kids how Scripture connects to life and that what it teaches us about God makes a difference.

For example, an Elementary lesson about Jesus at the wedding in Cana showcases the title “Everyday with Jesus.”

Step 1 begins with kids looking over items that represent their daily lives such as a toothbrush, a shoe, and a snack and then asks, What kinds of everyday problems have bothered you? Do you think Jesus cares about the little things you go through each day?

Step 2 covers what problems came up at the wedding in Cana, how the master needs help, and why Jesus did the miracle that day. Then the kids practice saying the Memory Verse: “The people were delighted with all the wonderful things he was doing” (Luke 13:17).

Step 3 invites the children to use their Bible Discoveries book to read stories about answered prayer. There is also a poster to help children consider the everyday lives of people in the Bible.

Step 4 discusses when children will talk to Jesus in the coming week and ponder how they can remember to talk with Him when problems come up. The children have a time of prayer together and then are reminded Jesus loves them before they are dismissed.

Children are sent home with student pages featuring study pages and activities along with items they made in Step 3.

Bible-in-Life instills biblical principles that can guide young hearts throughout their lives.

Bringing It All Together

What is the result when we mix all of these things together? A life that connects everyday moments to Biblical wisdom. There is no better place to go than to God and His Word. He is the One who changes our lives no matter what age, young or old.

Isn’t that the thing we would want to pass down? When kids learn how to read God’s Word for themselves and apply it to whatever situation they are facing each day, they are led to a faith that stays with them for a lifetime.

Now that sounds like a pretty good recipe to me.

Bible In Life

Connecting everyday situations to God’s word

With our 4-step lessons, teachers can focus on engaging kids, youth, and adults to discover God’s Word and bring it to life.

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