What if faith formation was happening on more than just Sunday morning? How would your children’s ministry be different if kids knew their identity as a child of God? What if they were experiencing God’s big story and His wonder every day? Wonder Ink is more than just a curriculum. It’s a digital took kit for faith formation for kids and families.
Wonder Ink takes kids on a journey through curiosity, belief, faith, and identity. It helps them discover their identity as a child of God. It helps kids internalize four main truths: I am known by God, loved by Jesus, led by the Holy Spirit, and I am a child of God, so my life can tell of His wonder.
Kids are invited into God’s big story to know Him more.
Wonder Ink lessons are Bible-centered and fully customizable. The lessons encourage big questions. They leave space for kids to connect with God to build faith beyond just Sunday.
Hands-On: Building Identity in Christ
With Wonder Ink, kids don’t just hear stories from the Bible, they actively engage with God’s Word and experience God’s presence through worship response. Kids are encouraged to be curious and explore Bible truths through hands-on activities and STEM experiments. The Bible stories are taught through weekly creative Bible story videos, reading straight from the Bible, and interactive live Bible story teachings.
This curriculum uses a 3-year unified scope and sequence for all ages. This allows kids to explore major stories from the Bible with a balance of Old and New Testament stories each year. Lessons, grouped into 4–8-week series, connect kids to God’s truths.
Families with kids of all ages from toddler through preteens can connect and learn together as they experience the same Bible stories in age-appropriate ways. Wonder Ink resources parents with weekly at-home devotionals and Bible story videos for their kids. Additionally, they are encouraged as spiritual leaders in their kids’ lives and are invited to grow in their faith together.
Wonder Ink
With ready-to-go lessons, Wonder Ink is a customizable digital curriculum and toolkit for creatively engaging kids and families in God’s Word—connecting the classroom on Sunday to their homes during the week.
Wonder Ink also includes special holiday series that connect the Old and New Testament to help give kids a big-picture view of the Bible as God’s big story. When kids know God’s big story, they can know their part in it and discover their identity as a child of God.
After the Waiting for Jesus Christmas series, which included stories from Isaiah’s prophecies about the Messiah and their fulfillment with Jesus’ birth, an 8-year-old boy exclaimed during a Christmas Eve sermon about Jesus’ birth, “Isaiah knew that was going to happen! I knew it! It’s all true—yay Jesus!” He made the connection and was able to truly celebrate and worship the long-awaited Savior.
Kids are invited into God’s big story to know Him more.

Created in God’s Image
God’s big story doesn’t start with the Fall—it starts with Creation. People were created in God’s image to reflect Him and have a relationship with Him. We have the privilege of helping kids discover their forever identity in Christ. We get to help them live with confidence as they claim their inheritance as image-bearing children of God, sharing His wonder with the world. Identity is what we believe about ourselves, our worth, and our purpose.
As followers of Jesus, our identity is rooted in Christ. We are all beloved children of God. We are known by God and loved by Jesus, and we are invited to be led by the Holy Spirit.
It’s a joy when kids discover their identity is found in God’s big story. It’s found where Jesus is Lord, and the Holy Spirit is present. And as we teach this, we leave room for their big questions, while leaving no doubt about who God is or who they are in Him.
Each week in the Wonder Ink lessons, kids declare out loud truths about who God is and who they are in Him. This is an important time in the children’s ministry service. When kids speak truths aloud repeatedly, those truths become rooted in their hearts and can grow.
As followers of Jesus, our identity is rooted in Christ. We are all beloved children of God. We are known by God and loved by Jesus, and we are invited to be led by the Holy Spirit.
Connection to God and One Another
Wonder Ink inspires a genuine connection with faith. It fosters a sense of wonder and curiosity that extends far beyond the Sunday school classroom. When children discover they are known by God, loved by Jesus, and led by the Holy Spirit, their view of who they are shifts.
After a few months of using Wonder Ink curriculum, my 4-year-old daughter prayed “Holy Spirit, thank You for living inside of me. I hope You stay.”
She knows the Holy Spirit was in her and she lives out that truth each day. That truth—that she is a child of God and filled with His Spirit—guides her each day as she navigates her world and develops her worldview and identity.
She will grow up with a foundation of Christ as her Savior. She’ll have a faith that is big enough for her curiosity and questions. But she’ll have no doubt about the wonder of who God is and who she is as His child. Wonder is where it all begins. Ink is God’s truth inked upon our hearts. Faith begins with wonder.