God is not bound by walls. He is not quarantined. And He is not absent. He is working and moving and active.
When we started planning this article, we wanted to dig into what it really means to trust God’s faithfulness and what it practically looks like to live out our trust in Him. Little did we know that there would literally be a period of time in our lives where we would have to do this collectively.
A global pandemic will do that.
It will make you pause, take a deep breath, and say, “Okay, God, I’m trusting in Your faithfulness during this season where we can’t see the end. I am trusting that You are for me.”
I don’t know about you, but I am working hard to embrace that—the fact that He is for me.
In Romans 8:31 Scripture talks about how God is for us. The Message puts it like this, “With God on our side like this, how can we lose?” The NIV says it this way, “If God is for us, who can be against us?”
It genuinely makes me stop in my tracks when I really think about it. With constant noise, anxiety, fear, and stress coming our way—whether from others, media, or our own minds—we get burnt out quickly.
We can easily be distracted by the noise instead of focusing on God’s stillness and peace.
God is for me.
Say that out loud. And then say it again.
God’s Faithfulness Is Not Limited to Good Times
“The Lord is for me, so I will have no fear.”
Psalm 118:6 NLT
These past few months have been a lot for us to process. People are struggling in all different aspects of their lives. Each person’s story is different, but just as important as the next.
Jobs have been lost, relationships have been strained, lives have been taken, businesses have shut down, church buildings have been closed, and so much more.
In all of this, even when we can’t see it, God is for us. And He is faithful.

I am eagerly awaiting the day when we don’t feel trapped, stuck, or in a lull. But I’m also trying to learn lessons so as to not waste any gifts we’ve been given in all of this. It’s hard, yes. There are good days and bad days too.
I encourage you—no matter what you’re facing—to listen for the constant voice of His faithfulness.
God Is Faithful, Even When We Don’t See It
Every Monday night I FaceTime with our youth group girls. We talk about anything and everything that’s going on in their lives. One thing we’ve consistently focused on is how God moves and works through situations that we don’t always understand.
At the end of each of our sessions, I challenge them to look for God throughout each day in order to notice, recognize, and appreciate His presence in their lives.
Why? Because many times God is moving in the moments in between.
He works whether we are looking or not, because He is faithful. We may never have a burning bush moment, but we serve the same I AM who spoke to Moses. We serve the same God who promised Abraham as many descendants as the stars. And we serve the same Creator who put those very stars in place.
In the rush of everyday life, yes even in isolation, we may not be intentional to look for what He is doing, how He is moving, and what He is asking of us.
I catch myself missing it all the time—being short with my husband or impatient with my son. I can hear God telling me to slow down in order to nurture and best serve those He has given me.
You see, when we forget to recognize the gifts God has given to us, we forget that to whom much is given, much is required (Luke 12:48). Let us take time to be intentional with our words and actions.
And let it follow us as we begin moving out of isolation.
God’s Faithfulness Is Highlighted in Hebrews 11
In this new season, allow God to prove Himself to you and through you. Allow Him to help you intentionally build relationships focused on Him—whether with family, those in your churches, or even those in your communities.
He will use you. And His faithfulness will be evident—not only to you, but to those with whom you are connected.
We know Hebrews 11 as the faith chapter. It talks about people throughout Scripture and how they lived out their faith in God. More than that, I love how we can recognize the faithfulness of God in the chapter.
You can see how God moved in each and every one of their situations. And even if they didn’t get to see the fulfillment of His promises, we saw them. And we are still seeing them.
I encourage you to read Hebrews 11 now.
Do you see God’s faithfulness there? His protection of Noah, His plan for Joseph, the exodus of the Israelites, the battles won, and the rewards received.
We may never have a burning bush moment, but we serve the same I AM who spoke to Moses. We serve the same God who promised Abraham as many descendants as the stars. And we serve the same Creator who put those very stars in place.
He is with us, just as He was with each of them. Call to Him, have faith in Him, and live out that faith. He will prove that He is trustworthy and faithful to the end.
God Is Faithful, and He Is Moving
Earlier I talked about the losses so many have experienced during this pandemic. But in the midst of the losses, we’ve seen people rise up and join together in ways that we haven’t seen before.
There is hope. God’s Church is still alive and well. And He is still moving.
It’s His same grace that Jesus covered us with on the cross that still covers us today. It’s His same love that teaches us how to love others. And it’s His same compassion that draws us in.
The details may look different, but our God is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).

For years the church has wanted to find ways to get into homes of people to spread the good news. In the past weeks, more worship services have been streamed in homes than ever before. More families are circling up to pray in their homes and worship together.
We’ve reached a time where the worshippers will rise up! Where people won’t rely on programs, but instead seek the face of God.
I eagerly anticipate what we will experience when we fully join together as a body of believers again. Can you imagine? Can you see it? It’s coming!
In the meantime, God is not bound by walls. He is not quarantined. And He is not absent. He is working and moving and active.
Look for Him and see His faithfulness every single day.
Check out these verses for encouragement during these hard times and remember that God is for you.
- James 1:2-4
- 1 Peter 1:6-7
- Romans 5:1-5
- Philippians 3:7-9

8 At-Home Lessons for Families

8 At-Home Lessons for Families