We love our little ones, and sharing the good news of the gospel with them is a highlight of what we get to do. Check out these free lessons and keep up the good work.
Old Testament Lessons for Preschoolers

The Ten Commandments for Kids: It Doesn’t Have to Be Awkward (Lesson)
Age-appropriate version of the Ten Commandments, plus tips for teaching this tricky subject.

Help children know how much God loves and cares for them with this grab-and-go preschool lesson.

This free grab-and-go lesson brings the story of Jonah to life. Help children learn how God used an animal and Jonah to accomplish his purpose.
Sunday School Lessons on Jesus’ Teachings

Help children begin to identify God’s love in their lives with this preschool grab-and-go Sunday school lesson.

This grab-and-go lesson teaches preschool children that they can always come to Jesus because He loves them.

Use this grab-and-go lesson to help kids know that they can obey and please God!

Use this grab-and-go lesson from Matthew 6 to unpack Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount.
Easter Lessons for Preschool Kids

Use this grab-and-go lesson to bring Jesus triumphal entry on Palm Sunday to life.

Palm Sunday can be big fun for the kids in your ministry with this free lesson!

These activities and games help the story of The Last Supper come alive!

Share the good news that Jesus took our sins with Him to the cross.

Be prepared for the most highly attended church weekend with this Easter lesson.