Use this lesson to teach the Sermon on the Mount for preschoolers.

Editor’s Note: This lesson was adapted from HeartShaper, Preschool.

Scripture: Matthew 5:1, 2, 43, 44; 6:3, 4, 6, 26, 28, 33; 7:12

Focus: We can please God.


  • Pretend library cards; Children’s books; A rubber date stamp (or any fun stamp) and ink pad
  • Materials that teach the alphabet, counting, and other skills; Writing paper; Pencils; Small chalkboards and chalk (or whiteboards and dry-erase markers)
  • Puzzle pieces from Build a Mountain Resource Sheet; Reusable adhesive or tape
  • Activity cards from Build a Mountain Resource Sheet; 3 jumbo craft sticks; Glue; Building blocks
  • Medium-size ball

Sermon on the Mount for Preschoolers: Bible Background

Scriptures say that Jesus sat on a mountain to teach. Jesus would have sat down because Jewish rabbis usually sat to teach. Jesus was now in His home territory of Galilee.

His center of activity was in the village of Capernaum on the northwest coast of the Sea of Galilee.

Jesus helped His followers see that true believers have a personal relationship with God and they care about helping others to know God.

Opening Activities

Use one or both of the activities below to help teach the Sermon on the Mount for preschoolers.

Activity #1: A Visit to the Library


  • Pretend library cards
  • Children’s books
  • A rubber date stamp (or any fun stamp) and ink pad

Before class, create a pretend library card that can be as simple as a piece of paper with each child’s name on it.

SAY: Today we will learn about a time when Jesus taught a crowd of
people while sitting on a mountain.

One place where we learn is called a library. Libraries are full of books. Let’s pretend we are in a library.

Allow children to choose a few books. Explain the purpose of a library card; then stamp the back of each child’s library card with today’s date or the stamp you have chosen to use.

As children look at their books, talk about what the books are about. When finished, have children return their books and cards to you.


  • Have you ever been to a library?
  • What was it like?
  • Tell me about your book.

SAY: In our story today, a crowd of people learned how to please God. To please God means we do things that make Him happy. We can please God too.

Activity #2: School Days


  • Materials that teach the alphabet, counting, and other skills
  • Writing paper
  • Pencils
  • Small chalkboards and chalk (or whiteboards and dry-erase markers)

SAY: Can you sing your ABCs? Sing the alphabet song with the children. Good job! Now let’s count to 10. Count with the children.

Today we will learn about a time when Jesus taught a crowd of people while sitting on a mountain. One place where we can go to learn is to school. Let’s pretend we are at school right now.

As children play with the materials, talk about the things children learn
and do at school.


  • What letter is that? Shape?
  • How high can you count?

SAY: In our story today, a crowd of people learned how to please God. To please God means we do things that make Him happy. We can please God too.

Teach the Sermon on the Mount for Preschoolers

Teach the Sermon on the Mount for Preschoolers with these ideas.

PRAY: Dear God, help us learn how to please You. We want to obey You because we love You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

ASK: What are some things you do to make your family happy? Allow responses. The people in today’s story learned how to please God. We can read what they learned in the Bible book of Matthew.

Show where Matthew is in the Bible. We can please God too. To please God means we do things that make Him happy. Let’s find out how the people learned to please God.

Bible Time


As You Teach: Attach puzzle pieces to a wall to form the shape of a mountain.


A crowd of people had come to see Jesus. Jesus climbed a mountain and sat down. He wanted to teach the people how they could live to please God. Jesus said, “Love your neighbors and pray for people who don’t like you.”

Attach 5a. When we love others, we please God.

Jesus said, “Help others, and don’t brag about what you are doing or how much you are helping.”

Attach 5b. Helping others pleases God, and God helps us too.

Jesus said, “When you pray, don’t show off. Go where you can talk to God by yourself.”

Attach 5c. We can pray to God anywhere. We can tell God anything we are thinking. God hears us. Our prayers please God.

Jesus said, “God gives the birds and flowers everything they need. God cares for you too.”

Attach 5d. When we trust God to give us what we need, we please God.

Then Jesus said, “Treat other people the way you want them to treat you.”

Attach 5e. God wants us to love and treat everyone right.

When we do what Jesus taught, we please God.

Bible Review

Distribute the puzzle pieces to five children (or pairs of children). Ask review questions. Have the children hold up their pieces to answer the questions.


  • What did Jesus say we should do for people who don’t like us? (pray for and love them—5a)
  • When we help someone, who should we brag to? (no one—5b)
  • When you want to talk to God, what can you tell Him? (anything you are thinking about—5c)
  • God takes care of us and gives us what we need. What else did Jesus say God cares for? (birds and flowers—5d)
  • How should we treat others? (like we want to be treated—5e)

Bible Memory: John 14:23

Open the Bible and show children where the Bible Memory is found. Read the verse, having children repeat it after you.

SAY: We can please God by remembering His words from the Bible.

Closing Activities

Use one or both of these activities to help children name ways they can please God.

Activity #1: Build a Mountain


Before class, attach the cards to craft sticks: 5f, 5h, 5j on different craft sticks and 5g, 5i, 5k on the opposite side of the craft stick.

Show 5f, 5h, and 5j. Ask how those children could please God.

Then show 5g, 5i, and 5k. Talk about how those children are pleasing God (sharing, praying for people who don’t like them, helping).

SAY: Today we are learning about a time when Jesus taught a crowd of people how they could please God. To please God means we do things that make Him happy.

We can please God too. Let’s build a mountain like the one Jesus sat on. Each time we think of a way we can please God, we’ll add a block to our mountain.

As children build the mountain, help them think of ways they can please God. Then count the blocks to find out how many ways they named.

Activity #2: Bible Memory Roll

Materials: medium-size ball

Have children sit in a circle.

SAY: Today we are learning about a time when Jesus taught a crowd of people how they could please God.

To please God means we do things that make Him happy. Let’s think of ways we can please God, while we learn our Bible Memory.

Roll the ball to a child. Have the child name a way he can please God, and then have the class say the verse (John 14:23) together. Have the child roll the ball to another child. Play continues as time permits.


As parents arrive, make sure each child has their belongings. Encourage parents to play the Bible Memory Roll game with their students throughout the week so they can remember the memory verse.

Need more lesson ideas? Try these:

Did you enjoy this lesson? It was adapted from HeartShaper Children’s Curriculum, Preschool. To learn more about this age level, check out the video below or visit