Editor’s Note: This excerpt was taken from Bringing the Bible to Life in Your Children’s Ministry. You can read the full article here.
The Bible is the living Word of God. Hebrews 4:12 NASB tells us plainly, “For the word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, even penetrating as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”
How can we effectively share God’s Word with kids?
We all have a why. There is a reason we want to share the life-giving Word with kids in a way they can comprehend it. It’s all about sharing Jesus and inviting kids into the story they were created for. But we have to move from why to how.
How can we effectively share God’s Word with kids? The following is not exhaustive by any means, but it is meant to give you guidelines as you navigate this question through prayer and study.
When sharing Scripture with kids, we recommend the following:
- Have guideposts for sharing the truth of Scripture that everyone utilizes, including volunteers and parents.
- Share individual stories from the Bible in context of God’s Big Story.
- Share that the hope of the gospel is in every story.
- When referencing the people in these stories, show them as real people—not as characters or heroes.
- Share biblical language.
- Help children identify who they are in Christ.
- Choose a curriculum that does all of these things regarding theological guideposts in order to help you and your team as you lead children and partner with families.
- Share the history and context of the Bible, but also the personal and relational aspects of Scripture. Help kids understand:
- I am known by God.
- I am loved by Jesus.
- I am led by the Holy Spirit.
- I am a child of God.
- Make space for children to respond to what they have heard/seen/experienced in God’s Word.
- Ask yourself and your team the following questions for reflection:
- Am I intentional about making space for Jesus to be King of my ministry?
- What are some things I can do differently so I can do this even better?
- Am I giving children the language they need?
- How am I making space for the living Word of God to move?
- Do my plans and responses allow God to work in the ways He intends, or do my intentions and opinions get in the way?
- How am I making space for curiosity and questions within my ministry?
- Do the kids, parents, and volunteers in my ministry feel safe to ask the hard things?
Enjoy this excerpt? Read the full article here.
Wonder Ink

Wonder Ink