Easter is approaching fast! Easter weekend can be a wonderful time in the world of Children’s Ministry, but it can also be really hard. It’s typically one of the highest-attended weekends of the year, which means it comes with extra weight.
Hosting lots of visitors comes with high ministry expectations—not to mention lots of pressure! But it’s also really exciting.
So how can you prepare your heart for Easter? Are there things you can do to get your ministry ready and alleviate some of the pressure? Yes!
5 Things Your Ministry Can Do to Prepare for Easter
1. Advance Planning for Easter
Hopefully, you’re already well into your Easter planning. If not, get on it!
Not only is there a lot to do, but it is one of the most important weekends of the year. It’s the day we celebrate our risen Savior! And it’s a special day when many people come to church, so plan on doing what you do with excellence.
Get all your bases covered. Be ready to invest in your visitors, manage any crises, and present the gospel clearly.
Plan to do what you do with excellence.
2. Communicate and Delegate
Children’s ministry should never be a one-person show. There’s just no way to do it all and do it all well!
So don’t try and ‘do’ Easter on your own—no matter what size ministry you are leading. Create a plan with your team of staff and volunteers.
Next, communicate the plan and delegate responsibilities. Then communicate it again and again and again. We promise, you really can’t over-communicate.
Finally, if you’ve equipped people to lead, trust them to lead. And if not, this is a great opportunity to begin equipping.

The Easter Storybook Coloring Pages

The Easter Storybook Coloring Pages

The Easter Storybook Coloring Pages
3. Put Forward Your Best as You Prepare
The old saying “You only get one chance to make a good first impression” is true.
Easter is often the first, and many times only, opportunity you will have to make a positive impression. Be sure to maximize it! In this, make sure you are being real, genuine, and true to the heart of your ministry.
But don’t go so over the top that when visitors return, it looks and feels like a completely different church.

4. Keep Jesus Central
Amidst all of our creativity, we can sometimes lose the message of Easter. Make sure that the gospel of Jesus is clear and concise, and that kids have opportunity to respond.
We know this, but it never hurts to remind ourselves: the Gospel is for kids. And this may be the first time they’ve heard it.
It’s the day we celebrate our risen Savior!
5. Worship: Prepare Your Heart for Easter
Easter is for you too. It’s for all of us!
One of the reasons to do things right the rest of the week is so you can take the opportunity to worship on Sunday. Easter, of all weekends, should afford you the opportunity. Take full advantage of the opportunity and celebrate the meaning of Easter.
And as you worship, be sure to facilitate time for your leaders and volunteers to worship as well.
More Articles for Easter
- Webinar: Beholding Our Creator as We Prepare for Easter
- 16 Easter Crafts and Games for Your Children’s Ministry
- Exploring the Wonder of God Through Creative Activities at Eastertime
- 13 Easter-Friendly Articles for Ministry Now
- 12 Free Easter Resources to Celebrate Jesus
- 40 Stories about Jesus That Will Be Your New Easter Tradition
- 49 Brilliant Easter Games, Crafts, and Activities for Sunday School
- Dream with Me and Create an Easter Event Celebrating New Life
- Starting Easter at the Exodus: Freedom Is Always God’s Way