What if our ministries, given time and space, were characterized by blessing our children and declaring truth over them? What if our families’ homes replicated these postures and disciplines over time?
When we really look at our ministry, we see that this is too important not to do. To speak the gospel, declare truth, and speak a blessing is so impactful.
As followers of Jesus, we believe in the priesthood of all believers, that in our union with Christ, we share in His ministry. In this case, we are responsible for sharing our faith in Jesus with those we serve.
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
1 Peter 2:9 NIVTM
What Is the Difference between Declaring Truth and Blessing?
Declare Truth
When we declare truth, we speak the truth of God and His Word over children. We speak this over them, and we teach them how to speak His truth over themselves. Many times Scripture is declared or truth is drawn from Scripture.
Speaking something like “We are more than conquerors” with kids, or even over yourself, is an example of declaring truth. Or speaking what we know to be true about Jesus is another example.
As believers, we believe in the priesthood of all believers, that in our union with Christ, we share in His ministry.
Byron Ragains
We fully believe that our children deserve to know who they were created to be and all they have access to in God.

When we bless, we speak our words toward someone, a child for example, with a prayerful attitude. Many times a blessing begins with “May you…” or “May God…” This can also be from Scripture or truth drawn from Scripture.
Here is an example:
May the Lord be with you as you go and tell children about all He is and all He has to offer them. May you know who and whose you are as you wake each day—until you lay your head down at night. May His presence go before you, walk beside you, and follow behind you. May the angels be about your life and God’s light shine through you as you anchor yourself to Him. And may your life speak of His wonder so boldly that all who encounter you see Him.
Examples of These Modeled
Read this article to see these ideas at work in the home and in our children’s ministries. Dive into practical and specific ideas for:
- Declaring Truth
- Affirmations
- Conversations
- Scripture Memorization
- Blessing
- Lifestyle
May the Lord be with you as you go and tell children about all He is and all He has to offer them. May you know who and whose you are as you wake each day—until you lay your head down at night. May His presence go before you, walk beside you, and follow behind you. May the angels be about your life and God’s light shine through you as you anchor yourself to Him. And may your life speak of His wonder so boldly that all who encounter you see Him.
Courtney Weaver
Wonder Ink

Wonder Ink