We can’t behave ourselves into heaven. Salvation is only attainable through the grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
As a young mom, I was trying my best to be exactly who my kids needed. I was trying to work hard within myself to show them who Jesus is in everyday moments. But in all reality, I was exhausted, unsure, and still trying to figure life out for myself.
I had grown up in the pews of the church, sat in Sunday school classes, had a great family, went to Christian college, attended conferences through my work at a Christian publisher, and married a PK (pastor’s kid). If anyone should know how to share their faith, I should. Instead, what kept coming out was a bunch of dos and don’ts: Behavior Modification 101.
If I really wanted to help my children know Jesus, it was going to come down to a matter of the heart. It was going to begin with understanding who God is—His character and His holiness. And in order to understand who God is, I would have to sit with Him in His Word. I would need to carve out space to know Him and be known by Him.
And when I got to know Him more and be loved by Him, I realized how easy it became to follow. There was no more guessing, perfectionism, or anxiety over tomorrow. There was rest in following Him.

The Very Good News
That’s what the good news of the Gospel does for us. It allows us to see God for who He is, recognize ourselves for who we are, become cleansed by Him, and then respond in going where He leads us. There isn’t a self-help book or morals guide to good behavior that leads to this. There is only heart change.
We read this in Isaiah 6, when the prophet sees the throne room of the Lord. He recognizes God as Holy, recognizes himself as filth, is in turn cleansed, and then responds in worship saying send me.
That’s the story of Scripture! Our good and holy God is drawing imperfect people to Himself over and over again.
And that’s what we need to show our kids. That within ourselves, it’s hard. We can try and try and try to be good, but we can’t do it without the love of God and the gift of the Holy Spirit living in us. But the very good news is that when we choose Jesus, we receive His Spirit.
So, our churches on Sundays can’t be so focused on behavior modification that we forget to sit in awe of the King who was and is and is forevermore. We can’t get so caught up in teaching cooperation, joy, and compassion that we forget to engage the gift that is God Himself. And we can’t focus so much on getting our kids to sit down and be quiet that we teach them that God hasn’t made them to be curious and creative and fun.
You see, there is a peace and rest that comes from knowing we can only go so far alone. That being known, loved, and led by God means that we get to trust Him to guide us and change us. It’s His work.
If I really wanted to help my children know Jesus, it was going to begin with understanding who God is—His character and His holiness.
Behavior Doesn’t Change Hearts
The curriculum we choose for our children’s ministries must do more than teach good values and behavior. Because as much as we like good behavior, that doesn’t get to the heart. And focusing on behavior actually puts more pressure on our children to ‘try and fix themselves.’ It sets them up to fail and then feel the weight that comes from not being able to live up to the expectations on their lives.
You see, when children can recognize the very good news of Jesus, and when they are taught about how amazing He is (and His Big Story), they can see how God works in and through them—the good and the bad. And as we sit with Jesus together, we begin to look like Him more and more, and as we look more like Him, we display Him in our actions.
That’s true behavior change, because of heart change.
Now, I’m not telling you to embrace chaos in your ministry by letting kids run wild. But what I am telling you is to remind them that you get it. It’s hard to be good, kind, and loving all the time. That sometimes it’s hard to show gentleness and self-control. But the good news is that when we sit with Jesus and know Him more, He helps us do these things that please Him. Because of the Holy Spirit, we can look more and more like Him every day.
Don’t Move from the Center
Over time, teaching methods change. Today there are videos, music, games, and more that we can use to reinforce lessons as kids spend time with God. But we can’t move from the center.
The message must stay the same—we don’t get to change it to be more relevant, approachable, ‘acceptable,’ or cool. God created, man sinned (and sinned again and again), God sent Jesus to rescue man, Jesus lived, Jesus died, Jesus rose again, Jesus ascended into heaven, God sent His followers the gift of the Holy Spirit, and one day He is coming back for His Bride, the Church. Those who believe, follow, and know Jesus have the promise of eternal life with Him. He is the only way to heaven.
You see, God’s Word is the authority, our emotions are not.
Be careful not to veer from the truth simply because it makes you uncomfortable. Don’t veer from the center simply because it causes you to wrestle with what you desire within yourself. God’s truth is the truth, and we can’t sidestep it.
Do we tell the truth in love? Yes. Should we be as wise as serpents, gentle as doves? Yes.
But don’t compromise the truth of the Gospel to feel better. We can’t work our way into Heaven. We simply must know Jesus and have relationship with Him. He works out the rest.
Take the Pressure Off
So, I encourage you to take the pressure off. Take it off yourself and off your kids. Sit with Jesus, lean into His Word, honor Him in worship, and take each moment as it comes. Trust in the Holy Spirit to guide you and your children.
Being well behaved is not bad. But we can’t behave ourselves into heaven. Salvation is only attainable through the grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
We can teach our children behaviors, but we have to always get to the root for it to last. It begins at the heart and moves outward.
Choose a curriculum that centers on God’s Word and His Gospel and stays rooted there. And remember that, as we follow Jesus, our lives will speak of His great wonder.
Be with Him, and then go out with the fruit that He alone can give.
Trusted Children’s Ministry Curriculum Resources from David C Cook
As you look for curriculum rooted in Scripture, David C Cook has trusted resources doing just that.
Digital Options
Looking for something exclusively online? Check out Wonder Ink!
Wonder Ink
With ready-to-go lessons, Wonder Ink is a customizable digital curriculum and toolkit for creatively engaging kids and families in God’s Word—connecting the classroom on Sunday to their homes during the week.
Wonder Ink
Empower kids to understand the fullness of who they are in God’s Big Story as they discover 4 core truths:
- God Knows Me
- Jesus Loves Me
- The Holy Spirit Leads Me
- I am a Child of God
Created by children’s ministry practitioners and discipleship thought leaders, Wonder Ink Bible curriculum for kids is a trusted solution for your children’s church or Sunday school program. It helps the local church inspire children in faith, walk alongside parents at home, and equip volunteers in ministry.
Plus, Wonder Ink’s theological guideposts make sure every lesson points children to God—with a focus on God’s Big Story, the hope of the gospel of Jesus, sharing the people of Scripture as real people (not characters or superheroes), exploring biblical language in the context of Scripture, and pointing kids to their identity as image bearers.
Wonder Ink features the NIrV® Bible translation but makes it easy to change to the translation your church prefers. Try for free at WonderInk.org.
Printed and Downloadable Options
These curriculum options come with both printed and downloadable options.
Bible In Life
With our 4-step lessons, teachers can focus on engaging kids, youth, and adults to discover God’s Word and bring it to life.

Bible-in-Life Kids
Connect everyday situations to God’s Word with Bible-in-Life. The lessons help your kids see God’s truth all around them as you disciple this generation with lifelong faith.
Bible-in-Life helps kids form faith and express their faith in everyday life moments. With a variety of age-appropriate activities to support Bible learning, there are built-in options for multiple learning styles and class sizes.
With the flexible materials, you can build a ministry program that works for your volunteers, your budget, and your church.
Bible-in-Life features the popular NIV® translation for all ages. Try for free at BibleinLife.com.
With our easy-to-follow lessons, teachers can focus on kids’ unique needs while helping them hide God’s Word in their hearts.
HeartShaper Children’s Curriculum
Help kids discover God through His Word with HeartShaper. With Special Needs Friendly activities, inclusive ministry is central as you disciple every child in God’s kingdom work.
HeartShaper provides teacher-friendly lessons to reach the heart of every child. From toddler years through grade six, HeartShaper takes kids on a journey through the Bible five times to discover God’s story and how they fit into it. Plus, HeartShaper makes it easy to include every child in each step of the lesson—no matter their ability.
With HeartShaper’s well-crafted program, training tools, and free extras, your team is equipped to teach Bible skills and help kids grow in their walk with God.
HeartShaper features the ICB® for early childhood age levels and NIV® for early elementary through preteen. KJV option included. Try for free at HeartShaper.com.
Gospel Light
With our easy-prep lessons, teachers can focus on building relationships with kids and pointing them to Jesus as they explore God’s Word.
Gospel Light
Point kids to Jesus and build strong relationships with Gospel Light. Emphasize evangelism and discipleship as you teach children and preteens in their formative years.
Gospel Light points to Jesus in every Bible lesson and has a big impact on the faith formation of kids and volunteers alike! From Baby Beginnings through Grade 6, Gospel Light guides children to explore the Bible five times.
Through an engaging approach to Bible storytelling and relationships, you can build a ministry program that inspires volunteers to share the gospel and guides kids to a deep understanding of Jesus and what a relationship with Him offers.
Gospel Light features the popular NIV® translation for all ages. Try for free at GospelLight.com.
Echoes Children’s Curriculum
Share God’s resounding Word and celebrate African American heritage with Echoes. Relatable lessons and teacher-friendly options help you disciple children through adults. Plus, the Sunday School Superintendent’s Manual connects all ages thematically!
Echoes provides teacher-friendly options for churches of all sizes, helping today’s generations come to know God’s Word. Motivate students to study more and more with inspiring, relevant, and soul-searching materials. Plus, Echoes provides options for every age level to develop Bible knowledge and foster lifelong spiritual growth—all while making meaningful connections to the African American experience.
With flexible materials, you can build a ministry program that works for your volunteers, your budget, and your church.
Echoes features the popular NIV® translation for all ages and has a KJV option for adult lessons. Try for free at EchoesCurriculum.com.