Many times, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to present the best lessons in innovative ways as we share truth with kids. We want great programming, and the right people, and we work really hard to make these things happen. And while these things are all great in children’s ministry, there are simple ways we can show kids just how much we care.

As we walk alongside them on their faith journey, let’s remember the relationships we build are key to sharing Jesus in our lives.

10 Ways to Show Kids You Care

1. Know their names.

It’s important to know the children in your ministry well enough to be able to call them by name. This shows them you see them!

2. Listen to them.

When we listen intentionally, we can learn a lot from kids and a lot about kids. The more we listen, the better we’ll know how to lead and help each child in our ministries.

What if We're Failing Kids at Faith Formation? (And How Not To)

What if We're Failing Kids at Faith Formation? (And How Not To)

Have you ever wondered if we’re missing the mark? Research shows that young people are leaving the church and aren’t looking back. In this guide, we examine this difficult, challenging, and eye-opening question and seek answers to help change the trends. There is hope. We can make a difference.
Free Guide
What if We're Failing Kids at Faith Formation? (And How Not To)

What if We're Failing Kids at Faith Formation? (And How Not To)

Have you ever wondered if we’re missing the mark? Research shows that young people are leaving the church and aren’t looking back. In this guide, we examine this difficult, challenging, and eye-opening question and seek answers to help change the trends. There is hope. We can make a difference.
Free Guide
What if We're Failing Kids at Faith Formation? (And How Not To)

What if We're Failing Kids at Faith Formation? (And How Not To)

Have you ever wondered if we’re missing the mark? Research shows that young people are leaving the church and aren’t looking back. In this guide, we examine this difficult, challenging, and eye-opening question and seek answers to help change the trends. There is hope. We can make a difference.
Free Guide

3. Show kids you care by getting on their level.

As you speak to children, it’s important to not only shift your physical position to their level, but it’s important to make sure you use language they understand. And if there are things they don’t understand, be sure to explain them in a way that kids can follow!

4. Take time to teach well. 

As we mentioned earlier, it is great to have awesome lessons. Make sure your curriculum is not only fun, but that it is teaching in age-appropriate and engaging ways. It’s equally important to prepare properly and give your best when teaching and leading. Care for them by preparing for them.

The more we listen, the better we’ll know how to lead and help each child in our ministries.

5. Speak well of them with their parents.

Even when there are behavioral outbursts, remember that they typically stem from a deeper source than the outburst itself. Look for the best in the kids within your ministry and share the good things with their parents.

Of course, there may be times where hard things need to be addressed, but always speak well of the child when doing so.

6. Show kids you care by praying for them.

As Oswald Chambers once said, “Prayer does not equip us for the greater work … prayer is the greater work.”

And if you don’t know where to start, here are some great ideas for you and your team.

7. Pray with them.

Not only is it important to pray for the children in our ministries, but it’s imperative that we pray with them and over them. It’s one thing to know someone is praying for you, and it’s another to hear the words as they reach God’s ear.

This also models to children how to pray and gives them examples of what prayer can look like.

8. Share Jesus with them. 

This one seems obvious, but it’s key that we share Jesus with the kids in our ministries. It’s not simply about telling them what He did, but it’s introducing them to who He is. It’s showing them Jesus through our words and actions each and every interaction.

Care for them by preparing for them.

One way to do this well is to make sure your ministry has theological guideposts. It’s important that we’re all speaking the same ‘language’ when it comes to sharing God with children. This shows kids just how much we care.

9. Get to know them beyond your classroom walls.

If all you know about the children in your ministry is how they act in class, then it’s likely you won’t know them well. What are they interested in? Who are their parents? What is home like?

As you get to know children beyond your classroom, you’ll get the opportunity to show them love in ways you wouldn’t have been able to before.

10. Show kids you care by seeing their best qualities. 

It’s easy for us to get frustrated or have preconceived notions about some of the kids in our ministries. But it’s for the best that we assume the best of them. We should never make pre-judgements about them based on behaviors. Remember that many behaviors stem from something much deeper.

Remind children of who God created them to be and who they are in Him. Remember yourself that they are kids who are growing and learning, and they are welcomed by Jesus. Invite them in and love them unconditionally!