Loving our neighbors is a great way for children of all ages to apply the Golden Rule, understand their identity in Christ, and live out their God-given purpose to love the people around them.
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16
With that goal in mind, I’d love to invite you and/or your church to give Grace Bombing a try and participate with us on May 16—Grace Bomb Day. Involve your kids and challenge them to find fun and creative ways to drop Jesus’ warmth and love on their neighbors.
If you haven’t heard of Grace Bombing, let me explain it this way:
For the individual, Grace Bombing is a surprise gift that brightens someone’s day. For churches, Grace Bombing is a discipleship tool to equip entire congregations to mature in their faith practices.
The tool is a simple card that says, “You’ve Been Grace Bombed” and points to a website that explains grace. The card is intended to be paired with an intentional act of loving a neighbor.

Collectively, Grace Bomb is a movement of obedience to Jesus’ call to love our neighbors in real life—without a program. And because of its simple nature, it’s a lot of fun not only for adults, but for kids as well!
Check out these stories that really show you what an awesome Grace Bomb can do. And keep scrolling for a simple how-to for Grace Bombing!
Harper Grace Bombs the Tooth Fairy
A couple of years ago Harper Grace Bombed the Tooth Fairy. I recall coming across this story on Instagram. Reading Harper’s mom’s thoughts about it made me laugh and warmed my heart .
After Harper left a note for the Tooth Fairy, Lindsey posted: “Just as I think I’m doing a terrible job as a mom, Harper goes and Grace Bombs the Tooth Fairy! Told that fairy to keep a dollar! So, by Harper Grace Bombing the tooth fairy, she was ultimately Grace Bombing me!”
Harper left behind a surprising gift that brightened the Tooth Fairy’s day—while also pointing that fairy to Jesus, the ultimate source of her kindness.
In this simple transaction of giving, Harper lived out the familiar nursery rhyme that I learned as a kid: “this little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine.” Of her own accord, this little one put the love of Jesus within her into action and loved her neighbor.
Equipping the church with tools like this one is impactful. It empowers every man, woman, and child to let the Spirit lead them every day—wherever they find themselves.
For the individual, Grace Bombing is a surprise gift that brightens someone’s day. For churches, Grace Bombing is a discipleship tool to equip entire congregations to mature in their faith practices.
Even now with most of the nation still having limited contact with their neighbors due to the current pandemic, kids and families are still finding creative ways to bless their neighbors and point them to Christ.
More Heart-Warming Grace Bomb Stories
Just this past week one mom shared this:
“Today my children and I knew FedEx would be delivering to us, so we wrote a note saying, ‘Thank you for keeping us supplied! You are awesome!’ and left a Grace Bomb card with cash in an envelope on the front porch.
My kids were soooo excited to watch through the windows as he approached the front steps, noticed the card, and picked it up. [Then] as he was walking away reading the card, he stopped and turned back toward the house with the biggest smile.
The kids were cheering (from their hiding spots inside) and then got even more excited when they saw him walking back to the porch and he wrote a big ‘Thank you!’ on top of the box he’d just delivered.
It was an awesome moment to see the pure joy in my kids’ eyes at having done something awesome for someone else!”
Not only do I love this for the FedEx worker who could use a boost, but also for the kids who get to experience the joy that follows simple obedience to Jesus. These are the kinds of experiences that build our core faith muscles.
Furthermore, these faith practices can spread throughout the family, just like this Grace Bomber reported:
“Amrah (8) decided she wanted to write a letter to doctors and nurses thanking them for their hard work during the COVID-19 pandemic. She wrote a letter and brought down a Grace Bomb card. We then decided to make it a family affair.
Lucas (11) and Caleb (16) wrote letters as well. Ian (14) donated money toward the Dunkin Donuts gift card we included with the letters.
We mailed the care package to the Anne Arundel Medical Center Emergency Department along with our love and prayers.”
Loving Our Neighbors

By loving those on the frontlines of the pandemic, this family also joined the frontlines of a spiritual battle to push back the darkness by filling their everyday world with the light of Jesus. Grace Bombing unashamedly yet gently points people to Jesus, setting this movement apart from any other generic kindness movement.
When we love our neighbors in this way, we are living out our calling as the light of the world.
Although Grace Bombing is for any and every day, there is one day we desire to rally the troops. That is Grace Bomb Day, May 16.
Loving our neighbors practically can be one of the hardest things to do. However, if Harper can do it for the Tooth Fairy, we all can take part. Here are 3 easy steps for anyone under your care to get shining in the world by exercising their faith.
Grace Bombing unashamedly yet gently points people to Jesus, setting this movement apart from any other generic kindness movement.
Step 1: Load
Loading is being prepared to drop surprising grace. This is where the simple tool of the Grace Bomb card comes in. The cards are a reminder that we are the light of the world. In addition, they remind us that we have first been Grace Bombed by the love of Jesus. But then the cards accompany any gift of your time, treasure, or talent.
The cards let us break the ice with a neighbor by bringing up Jesus, because if the person is interested or intrigued by your blessing, they can come to see it was motivated by Jesus. Free cards can be ordered or printed at gracebomb.org.
Step 2: Listen
Listening means that you are prepared to drop grace and follow the Lord’s leading to do so. Every believer has the ability to sense the prompting or nudge of the Holy Spirit, especially kids. Therefore, encourage your kids to pray about which neighbor to bless and how Jesus wants them to love them.
Step 3: Let ’Er Go!
This is a fun time to get out of our comfort zones and break the ice with our neighbors by dropping our Grace Bombs. Sometimes our Grace Bombs might be anonymous. However, the more we practice this lifestyle, the more relational loving our neighbors can become.
About the Grace Bomb Company:
The Grace Bomb Company is a nonprofit equipping organization that exists to strengthen your ministry. We are happy to send you Grace Bomb cards at no cost, as well as send cards to anyone you lead and serve.
We also can share the stories that come from the children and families in your town or church, as a means to foster a culture of practical and creative obedience to Jesus’ call for us to light the world up with His love through good works.
You can find all of this at gracebomb.org. With Grace Bomb Day upon us, why not jump into the equipping movement of intentional acts of love motivated by Jesus, and “grace for impact!”

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