With Easter just around the corner, it’s important to remember the reason for this season. And with our current circumstances, it could look different for us this year.
Share these craft and activity ideas with your families through your livestreams or email, and let’s honor Jesus’ sacrifice together.
“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5: 8 (NIV)
This season, help kids remember just how much God loves them.
Cross Crafts

Crosses are great for remembering all Jesus has done for us. Help kids reflect on His sacrifice for us with these cross crafts.
- This three cross suncatcher is a perfect reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice.
- Kids will love this salt painting cross.
- Or try making these stained glass crosses.
- These Calvary Hill paper plates are great for honoring Good Friday.
- Celebrate Jesus with these wooden stick crosses.
- Kids will enjoy making these beautiful paper plate yarn crosses.
- The whole class can pitch in to make a few of these tape resist art crosses.
- Check out these coin-covered crosses which are perfect for representing the price Jesus paid for us.
- Kids will also love this fingerprint cross the class can make together.
- Or try this beautiful foil and foam cross.
Sweet Candy Crosses
These Sweet Candy Crosses are a great way to honor Good Friday. (Excerpted from HeartShaper Holiday Helps.)
- miniature chocolate bars or sticks of gum (1 per child)
- 3½” x 1/8″rubber bands (1 per child)
- LifeSaver® candies (2 per child)
- rolls of Smarties® (1 per child)
- construction paper
- tape
- markers
- optional: stickers
- Cut pieces of construction paper large enough to wrap around the snack items. Give each child a roll of Smarties and a stick of gum or a chocolate bar. Provide the precut construction paper and encourage the children to design their own wrappers, writing on and decorating the slips of paper as desired. Help the children tape their homemade wrappers overtop of the original candy wrappers.
- Give each child two LifeSaver candies. Thread a rubber band through the holes in the candy rings; then set a roll of Smarties between the rings and on top of the rubber band.
- Place the candy bar or gum horizontally across the roll of Smarties to form a cross. Carefully lift one end of the rubber band and pull it over one end of the candy bar. Repeat with the other end of the rubber band, pulling it over the opposite end of the candy bar. When held upright, the candy craft will look like a cross. Remind the children of how sad everyone was when Jesus died on a cross. But Jesus came back to life and now offers sweet joy to everyone who loves and obeys Him!
Another Idea:
- Let the children make plenty of these treats to give as gifts to family and friends. If the treats are made as a Good Friday craft, encourage the kids to wait three days before eating the candy. This will remind them of how hard it must have been for Jesus’ friends when they were waiting for Him to return to them!
Crown of Thorns Crafts
John 19:12 (NIV) says, “The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head. They clothed him in a purple robe.” Use these crown of thorn ideas to help kids recognize the sacrifice that Jesus made for us.
- Use this paper crown of thorns to remind kids of all Jesus has done for us.
- Or try making a paper plate crown of thorns instead.
- Kids will love this edible crown of thorns.
- Check out this Play-Doh crown of thorns.
Empty Tomb Crafts
An empty tomb is a great way to celebrate Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection. Let’s celebrate the risen King!
- Try creating this fun and simple paper plate tomb.
- Kids will also love this paper cup empty tomb.
- Or try this construction paper tomb instead.
Nail Crafts and Activities
Use these nail activities to remind kids that Jesus died for them.
- This marker activity is perfect for helping kids remember Jesus’ sacrifice all day long.
- Or try making these paint handprints instead.
More Free Lessons and Activities

Use these free lessons and activities to celebrate our King this coming Easter season.
- Hail to the King! Palm Sunday (Preschool and Elementary Lesson)
- The Last Supper (Preschool and Elementary Lesson)
- Jesus Dies (Good Friday Preschool and Elementary Lesson)
- Jesus Is Alive! Easter Sunday (Preschool and Elementary Lesson)
- 49 Brilliant Easter Games, Crafts, and Activities for Sunday School
- 8 Downloadable Easter Sunday Activities
Good Friday is a time for us to pause and remember the sacrifice of our Savior as we prepare kids’ hearts for the Easter celebration. Use these crafts to help you do just that.

8 Downloadable Easter Sunday Activities

8 Downloadable Easter Sunday Activities