There are so many things that come to mind when planning for the Easter season in kid’s ministry. This includes, but is certainly not limited to crafts, games, activities, special events, virtual options, at-home options for families … there are a variety of choices.
In this article, you’ll find several of our favorite options from here at Ministry Spark. Please take a look and, as always, adapt the suggestions in any way that will best meet the needs of your church.
Embrace the fun and laughter of this upcoming season.
From daffodil hunts to traditional Easter egg rolls, these ten games will refresh your Easter files and encourage outdoor fun. Many of the games can also take place indoors if you live in a region where the weather is an extreme factor in the springtime.
Kids learn in a variety of ways, and the Easter story is no exception. Check out #9 for a super fun relay game! Relays can be used to tell all kinds of stories.
If your church does a traditional Easter egg hunt, a traditional egg race is a fun way to use the eggs afterward.
Embrace the fun and laughter of this upcoming season. Directions for all of these games can be shared with the families you serve by simply sharing these links or writing up your own version to send out via email or text.
You might also consider creating Easter kits that include any of the supplies needed. Your team can deliver them, or you can have a designated pick-up date in your church parking lot.

I sometimes think the words “Easter” and “craft” are synonymous. As a Children’s Ministry Director myself, I loved the world of kid’s crafts. I fully realize this is not everyone’s cup of tea! However, when it comes to this particular season, creating an actual representation of what Easter means can be a very special thing for children of all ages. Please enjoy some of our favorites below.
My own children are now young adults, but when I pull out the cross sun-catchers that they made as kids, I can’t wait to hang them in a window. This craft is truly great for all ages!
This is a lovely project that either family, or classes, can do together early in the Lenten, or Easter, season. It’s a great visual of God’s promise of salvation.
A stop at your local craft store, or an online order, is all you need for this Washi Tape Cross. Provide an assortment of tape, and let kids create their own reminders of Jesus’s death and resurrection.
However you choose to celebrate the wonder of this Easter season, know that you are deeply loved and cherished by our loving God.
Additional Activities
The children of your church are part of the greater church community. Consider working together with worship teams and other ministries to include children and families in your upcoming worship services. Does your church have a sunrise service? Make sure an invitation goes to all of the children and encourage families to attend.
Good Friday can feel like an overwhelming or difficult thing to teach. Does your church have a service geared toward kids and families? Can you help advocate to start one?
Consider inviting all of your families to attend a volunteer-led story time of the events leading up to Easter Sunday. Provide simple costumes and have volunteers share the stories of Palm Sunday, the last supper, Jesus’ death on the cross, and His resurrection. This can be as simple as you’d like. Here’s a good resource for an empty tomb experience.
These ideas can be shared in-person, via video, or live stream.
Enjoy This Season
However you choose to celebrate the wonder of this Easter season, know that you are deeply loved and cherished by our loving God.
I pray that the incredible power of God’s Holy Spirit works through you as you provide thoughtful and creative experiences for the children and families you serve. May you feel His redemptive love and know that He created you with a purpose. May your Easter season be blessed beyond measure!
More Easter Articles You May Like:
- Celebrating Easter in Reverse with Kids and Families
- 13 Easter-Friendly Articles for Ministry Now
- 12 Free Easter Resources to Celebrate Jesus

Connected Easter Kit

Connected Easter Kit