What will impact your ministry’s growth more than anything else? Developing your team!
In no way do we think this topic could be covered in a single blog post, but we’re hoping to help by providing an outline for team development as you lead your ministry. Each component offers an area that we believe is critical and should be studied much more in depth.
We hope this helps you get started as you build a strong ministry team.
Develop Your Ministry Team
1. Develop Yourself First
As you lead, it’s so important that you have an intentional, daily plan for your personal growth. And first things first, you must sit with Jesus. We encourage you to lean into Him and follow His desire for your ministry.
Then also look at other areas of development you may need. What weaknesses could you make smaller? Are there strengths you could build up to be even stronger? What are the kinds of things you are looking for in your team? Are there areas that could grow?
Ask yourself some of these hard questions and get to work! We cannot give away what we do not possess. So, this is a really important step to take as we lead and learn.
We cannot give away what we do not possess.
2. Enlist the Right People
As you work to build a team, you don’t simply need more bodies. You need the right people in the right places! People who want to be there, and who fit well!
Get a head start on developing a great team by finding people with:
- Character: Look for people who are Godly in their actions, attitudes, and hearts.
- Competence: We need people who are able to do the jobs they are being asked to do. We need to be able to trust those on our team!
- Chemistry: Finding people who love each other and want the team to succeed is more valuable than finding superstars. A team working together is the best kind.
- Commitment: Our ministries need people who are willing to buy into the vision and give their all for its accomplishment.

3. Cast Vision Continually
Communicating vision is more than reciting our vision and mission statements. It’s important we make it part of our language, actions, and plans. It should be part of what we do and say.
Everything we work on and toward should align with our vision.
And if you don’t know where to start with vision, this article will give you a great place to begin.

Making an Impact in Your Children’s Ministry
This guide was created to help you dive into some of the topics facing your ministries today and lead into why your curriculum matters and how to choose the right one depending on your needs.

How to Guard Yourself from Ministry Burnout

How to Guard Yourself from Ministry Burnout
4. Encourage Them
Our staff and volunteers don’t just deserve pats on the back—they need them! We know how hard ministry is, and they do too. They follow our vision, take on responsibilities (in addition to the work and family responsibilities they have), and they struggle in many of the same ways that we do.
Take time to tell them just how much they mean to you and encourage the kids and families in your ministries to do the same.
Take a moment to read these verses:
5. Pray for Your Team
“Prayer does not equip us for greater works … prayer is the greater work.”
Oswald Chambers
Praying for your team is key in developing a strong ministry team. Without prayer and guidance from the Lord, we are apt to run the wrong way. Prayer changes things because it changes us!
In our leadership, we need to choose to be servants, just like Jesus.
Now meditate on these passages:

6. Offer Leadership and Growth Opportunities as You Develop Your Ministry Team
There’s so much more to development than trainings! While training opportunities are awesome and definitely necessary, it’s important we also create space for other growth opportunities.
First, we encourage you to evaluate. In this process, you look at a team member through the lens of his or her leadership. Where are they in leadership development? What areas of their leadership are strong? What areas are weak?
Everyone is different, which is what makes leadership development difficult. It will take time. And that’s okay!
Next, develop a plan to help them grow the specific skills needed for their role and equip them with resources to help.
Finally, give them leadership responsibilities as soon as they are ready! And with the responsibility, make sure you are also releasing authority. Although you are ultimately responsible, it’s important to not tie your leaders’ hands by giving them responsibility without authority.
Trust them to do what you’ve asked of them and check in as needed.
7. Pursue Deeper Relationships with Core Leaders
As you develop leaders, some are going to rise. And naturally, there are some you will develop friendships with that are closer than others.
This doesn’t mean that you ignore others on your team, but it means that you continually pour into your leaders. And as you work to do more of what only you can do, you can empower your leaders to take on more responsibility to do what only they can do too. And you can equip those core leaders to develop other leaders too!
As your team grows, continue to develop your ministry team. People are the most important part of our ministries, because they are important to Jesus!