Today, we’re looking at the story of Jesus calling his disciples and how one animal in particular can help us bring it to life for kids.

Welcome to the “Meet an Amazing Animal” series.
God has done some remarkable things through his furry, fuzzy, and funny creations. A talking donkey? A fish carrying around a tax payment in its mouth? A rooster reminder that brought a grown man to his knees?
In this series we’re exploring how God has used animals to make himself and his purposes known. Get all twelve free lessons.
You’ll help your kids experience powerful transformation as they link Bible truths they need with the animals they love.
Let’s get started!
Bible Story: Jesus calls his disciples (Luke 5:1–11)
Animal: Fish
Lesson Theme: God wants us to obey him
Activity: Crab Walk
[icon name=”clock”] Time: 5 minutes
[icon name=”list-alt”] Supplies: none
Ask kids to sit on the floor in a line facing you. Explain that you’ll be talking about how a school of fish made a surprise appearance. You’ll ask kids to pretend they are fish, but there’s no water. So instead, they’re crabs. Crabs who’ll walk in formation.
Have kids assume the “crab walk” position: stomachs aimed toward the ceiling, feet and hands flat on the floor, bottoms lifted into the air. If a child—or you—can’t hold the position, it’s okay to scoot on one’s bottom.
Tell kids you’ll give them instructions about which direction to move—forward, backward, to their left, or to their right. The goal is for them to obey every instruction immediately so they can avoid crab collisions.
Run kids through switching directions at least 10 times, at an increasingly fast pace, until your crabs collapse. Then sit together on the floor and discuss:
- That was a tough workout! When it comes to obeying orders, would you rather be giving orders or taking them? Why?
- When is it hardest to obey? When is it easiest?
- What’s an order you’d love to give and have everyone obey?
SAY: Earlier I mentioned a school of fish. Let’s join them now and see how things turned out for them—and for the guys who caught them.

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Teaching time
Share the story of Jesus calling His disciples from Luke 5:1–11, pointing out how God used fish. Use the following questions to guide discussion:
- What did you discover about Jesus from this event? About Peter? About James and John? About fish?
- Who in this story obeyed? Was their obedience a good thing or not?
- Peter, James, and John left everything and followed Jesus. Do you think He asks you to do that too? Why?
- How do you decide who you have to obey and who you don’t have to obey?
- When you think about God, how do those things you mentioned apply?
Love these lesson ideas? Get 13 lessons filled with activity and teaching ideas in 13 Very Amazing Animals and How God Used Them.
You may also want to check out our list of short Bible verses perfect for kids to memorize. (There’s one from every book!)