Serving in kidmin provides a never-ending source of memories, inspiration, and, yes, plenty of opportunities for hard conversations.
As you reflect on the year, rediscover a few of the most shared stories and ideas from 2018. Enjoy!
What made us laugh
Children’s ministry has the best inside jokes.
Church Solves Tardiness Problem by Volunteering All Latecomers to Children’s Ministry (The Babylon Bee)
Oh, Babylon Bee, you know kidmin so well. Sometimes you have to laugh or you’ll cry.
Church Makes Hilarious ‘Christmas According to Kids’ Video (Southland Church, Kentucky)
A brilliant role-reversal: adults reenact the Christmas story while kids narrate.
Church Kicks Off Fun-Filled ‘Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God’ Themed VBS (The Babylon Bee)
Perhaps Babylon Bee deserves a separate category.
50 Best Children’s Ministry Memes of All Time (Children’s Ministry Deals)
Including the ever-popular Jack Sparrow VBS meme (#49)…and velociraptors.
“Be a VBS leader, they said. It’ll be fun, they said.”
Relive some of your favorite moments from the summer … and gear up for the one ahead!
“Never Let Go of Me” (Shipwrecked VBS theme song)
Don’t be fooled by this delightfully tropical tune…running a VBS is no day at the beach.
“Game On” (Game On VBS theme song)
Our apologies if this song is stuck in your head for another six months.
13 Ways to Save Your VBS Budget from Wrecking (Group)
Buying pool noodles by the caseload? It must be VBS time.
What to Save for VBS 2019 (LifeWay)
Because it’s never too early to start planning for next summer.
Classroom ideas we loved
From memory verses to games, kidmin leaders are always looking for ways to bring the Bible to life.
Bible Verses to Help with Children’s Insecurities (Growing Curious Minds)
This thoughtful post lists Bible verses to share with kids when they feel like they don’t measure up. (And that’s happening a lot.)
Bible Journaling with Kids (Growing Curious Minds)
This is a fantastic way to engage ALL learning styles with God’s Word.
Tissue Paper ‘Stained-Glass” Cross Suncatchers (Faithful Little Hands)
An easy, pretty craft that’s perfect for Easter.
The Woman at the Well Object Lesson (Future Flying Saucers)
The Woman at the Well is not one of your typical Sunday School stories, but this object lesson took off like wildfire!
56 Bible Games to Make Any Sunday School Lesson a Blast! (
You’re going to want to bookmark this massive list of games.
Can we get an AMEN?
We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.
I Don’t Want to Raise Church Kids, I Want to Raise Jesus Kids (Her View from Home)
This mom’s manifesto was HUGELY popular and a breath of fresh air for kidmin leaders discouraged about partnering with parents.
4 Reasons You Should Consider Teaching or Volunteering in Kids Ministry (Church Leaders)
One leader takes a break from teaching adults and comes back with a surprising perspective on kids’ ministry.
Kids Ministry Is Better Than Babysitting (Tim Challies / The Gospel Project)
A clarion call for church leadership to rethink ministry for the youngest disciples.
Your Kids Are Not Projects or Burdens. They Are Gifts. (The Gospel Coalition)
Confronting the hard things
Kidmin leaders have a staggeringly important role. Difficult conversations are part of the job.
The ABCs of Salvation Is Not the Gospel
(LifeWay)ABC is a handy acronym (Admit, Believe, Confess), but is it rushing kids into “salvation decisions” that aren’t based on the Gospel?
Kids with disabilities face many challenges. Church shouldn’t be one of them. (The Washington Post)
The Washington Post was an unexpected source for this wake-up call to serve ALL kids and their families.
Sex Offenders Groom Churches, Too (Christianity Today)
Let’s end this: “Many offenders report that religious people are even easier to fool than most people.”
Are Your Cute Lessons Turning Kids into Atheists? (Relevant Children’s Ministry)
Kids are asking the hard questions. The answer can’t be more crafts.
How we grew
These big-picture stories will influence kidmin in 2019 and beyond.
Parents, Take Note of the Spiritual Practices Common to Kids Who Flourish As Adults (The Gospel Coalition)
This post champions kids’ active participation in the life of the whole church.
How to Bring the (Whole) Bible to Life for Kids (Desiring God)
Any parent of a toddler will agree: kids understand more than we expect. That can also be true of God’s Word—we just need to give them the opportunity.
7 Leadership Qualities Children’s Ministry Leaders Need (Church Leaders)
A great tool for self-evaluation and more effective kidmin.
8 Things to Remember When Teaching Kids Theology (Crossway)
It’s increasingly important to give kids a robust framework for understanding the world and themselves. That’s why teaching and discussing truths about God has never been more crucial.

The Future of Kidmin: 5 Trends to Watch in 2019

The Future of Kidmin: 5 Trends to Watch in 2019