The start of the year is always exciting. It seems no matter where you go people are in a different state of mind than they were mere weeks before. Maybe it’s because our human nature is often better at starting than finishing.
Sure, we could talk about New Year resolutions but let’s not forget some unfinished craft project at your house or an organization project that started better than we finished it. If you’re anything like me, the list of to-dos and project possibilities far exceeds the time I have to complete them.
Celebrate and Grow
I think we can all agree that people think and even act differently at the beginning of the year. In ministry, we can utilize this “new year glow” to help lead our ministries further down the path God has called us to. Let’s take some ground and not be content with the accomplishments of last year.
Although, I’m sure there were some great things that happened. Testimonies from camp, best numbers ever at VBS, salvation, and baptisms, better strategies to partner with families. So many good things! Let’s celebrate that.
Even still, I have a feeling you’re not satisfied with last year. My passion for why I do ministry is continually growing. I don’t want to be content with the harvest of five years ago. I believe there is more for this year.
Each week, every service is a new opportunity to lead them to be more like Jesus. I believe there are so many kids (and people of all ages) that need a better understanding of why their worship matters. They need a revelation of the kind of worship that happens in heaven with Jesus at the very center of the throne.
May His will be done on earth, as it is in heaven!

An Opportunity for a Worship Reset
Children need practical steps to encourage them to participate. Call it breaking it down or even holding their hand. The guidance of the worship leader is so important to actually leading worship. I don’t want to only sing worship. I want to help kids fall more in love with Jesus, one song at a time, through worship.
Be encouraged that the recent holiday season works in your favor. I love the pause of the holiday season. Think about it. We stopped singing the songs we normally sing and had been singing for the past eleven months. Our Christmas worship sets were filled with Christmas carols and hymns and maybe even some fun sprinkled in. It automatically infuses some freshness and fun.
Some families travel for the holidays, and there’s even often a shift in our programming and what you’re offering for kids. I am thankful for the shake-up the Christmas season allows us. The routine of normal is washed clean.
The new year seems to provide an opportunity for a re-set or change. It can serve us well. It’s a great time to reevaluate your repertoire of songs. What songs haven’t been connecting as well as they used to? What songs need to take a break?
Which ones need to completely go away? What types of songs do you need more of? Do you need to find slower, reverent worship songs?
Are you in need of up-tempo praise songs? Or super-fun, active songs to kick off the service?
Choose Your Path
You could be standing at the pivotal fork in the road. Where one path simply continues doing things exactly the same way because “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” as the saying goes. But … you could be gazing at the other path wondering about the adventures you’d experience if you tried something different.
Will the work be worth it? Is the hassle of editing our song lists and even shopping for and learning new songs gonna pay off?

What if you took a chance and tried the less traveled path? Imagine if it started bearing fruit and in a short time you became well aware that you made the right choice.
What if you started giving your kids steps they could take in worship? Some will quickly take that step no questions asked. For others, it may take a few weeks, but pay attention to your group and teach them that their worship matters to Father God.
Be Intentional in Your Children’s Ministry Worship
Keep inviting kids to take steps that will lead them to His presence. Just like in our human relationships, the only way to draw close to someone and get to know them better is with time spent hanging out with them.
We get to know God through His Word, communicating in prayer, and engaging in the expression of honor that our worship yields. It takes time. It requires intentionally choosing Him and drawing near.
Trust your instincts. What changes do you know are needed? Are there changes you need to make in how you lead? In what you lead? Or who you invite to help you lead?
Have you only been doing entertaining songs, so you need to introduce the heart of worship, even leading some slower songs that sing in awe of God’s greatness? Change isn’t always comfortable, but it is a significant ingredient to growth. Think of it as pruning your worship times so new growth can develop. I promise it will be worth it.
Change isn’t always comfortable, but it is a significant ingredient to growth.
Reset the Mindset
I recall a conversation with a leader who was so excited to share a testimony. On day one of camp, this preteen sat down and said she wasn’t interested in worship. A couple of days later, she was fully engaged and involved in our worship time. What was the difference? Knowledge, revelation, and invitation.
The more she learned and experienced, the more she no longer wanted to sit on the sidelines. She chose to be fully engaged in our praise to the King. There are likely kids in your ministry who are a lot like that girl. Maybe they spent many Sundays last year sitting on the sidelines.
What if we took some steps in a new direction? Let’s mirror the excitement of the slate wiped clean and a year of possibilities ahead because of the reset of the New Year mindset. What if we set the table for kids to experience opportunities to experience God through worship? It is a necessary form of discipleship in the life of every believer.
Good Things to Come
I love that when I invite God into these processes, He always shows up to help me. I’ve seen Him move in mighty ways, and I know He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever.
I’m excited about the year ahead. God continues to do new things in our lives. I want to seek Him in every set I plan. As I practice and prepare, I want to listen for what He wants me to say and share as I segue the songs. I want to see with my eyes where my group is at.
Let’s plan to ask God for the wisdom needed to help them take steps to become the worshiper He created them to be.
I love that when I invite God into these processes, He always shows up to help me. I’ve seen Him move in mighty ways, and I know He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever.
So yes, you could say I love this time of year. I believe the best is yet to come!

How to Guard Yourself from Ministry Burnout

How to Guard Yourself from Ministry Burnout