Each person has been created in the image of God. All of us are His kids, and our identity should be rooted in this truth. Children need to know who God created them to be as His kids.
Children are each created to be known by God, loved by Jesus, and led by the Holy Spirit. When they know these truths and choose Jesus, we get to walk in our kingdom identity as His kids.
How should we begin this conversation in our kidmin? How can we intentionally make space for God to do the things that only He can?
We must give our kids language to know and affirm their identity in Christ and to help them live out who God created them to be.
What This Article Walks Through
Start with the Big Picture of God’s Big Story in Your Kidmin
In this section, you’ll discover the importance of giving kids a big-picture view of the Bible.
A Story to Live By: The Formative Power of God’s Story
To know the Story of God, we need to give context around the stories we teach and repeat the stories to help kids understand the big picture. They need to know the story so they have the opportunity to meet God in His Story.
Kids Meet God in His Story
Our kids need to both experience the wonder of God and ask their questions. Wondering and questioning are not the same thing, and both are important!
The Importance of Reflective Engagement in Your Kidmin
The Bible is full of real people with real stories. It’s impactful. But it can be more impactful depending on how we teach.
Our Own View of God Influences How We Teach
As you read stories in Scripture, what picture are you painting of God or Jesus as you read? What tone of voice are you hearing? How has your view of God impacted how you teach?
Give Kids Opportunities to Be with God
Give your kids some space to simply be with God. It’s the idea of being in this ministry with kids, rather than doing it to or for kids. They get to have a bigger part when there is space for them to be with God and respond to Him.
Worship Response in Your Kidmin Culture
Worship response offers a path for kids to encounter God, commune with Him, and then respond to Him. God will meet with them. Our job is to set the table. In this section, you’ll get some ideas on what that can look like!
Affirm Identity in Christ
We must give our kids language to know and affirm their identity in Christ and to help them live out who God created them to be. At our church, we always remind our community that “Sunday is not the main event. Our lives are the actual event.”
Read this full article here.
Wonder Ink

Wonder Ink