Hi everyone, I’m Michelle Anthony. Welcome to family ministry conversations. Today’s topic is worship response.
If your memories of Sunday school are like mine then you probably remember Bible stories that were read and all the facts that we memorized about those stories. I mean to this day I still remember how many stones David selected before his slingshot fight with Goliath.
Church has always been a great place to hear and learn God’s Word, but what if church could be something more than just learning facts? What if it could become a place where we could experience the presence of God and then learn to respond to Him and His Word?
Responding to God’s Word teaches us more than just the facts, it teaches us about the presence of the Holy Spirit and brings transformation to our faith as we grow in relationship with God and other believers.
That is why the Tru Curriculum includes a worship response time each weekend. Children and students respond to what the Holy Spirit is teaching them as they reflect on the day’s portion of the Big God Story or God’s grand redemptive narrative. And they create expressions of their worship to God individually and together.
We do hope that the children in our ministries will remember the The Big God Story and Scripture, but we also hope that they’ll remember the presence of God and what it’s like to listen and respond to his spirit.
Maybe Sunday school can be more than just facts. Maybe it can be a faith journey that we all walk in together.