This lesson preview is pulled from the 5-lesson Connected Easter Series from Wonder Ink. It is flexible and can be used in large group/small group and in classrooms. Download and view the full 75-minute lesson + the Passover Seder event preview here.


WONDER TRUTH: Jesus Loves Us and Gave His Life for Us

SCRIPTURE: John 12-13; 19

GOD’S BIG STORY: After God’s people waited many years for Him to rescue them from sin, Jesus shows God’s great love by dying on the cross. His death brings life.

WORD OF WONDER: I will spend time thinking about everything you have done. I will consider all your mighty acts. —Psalm 77:12 (NIrV)

I will spend time thinking about everything you have done. I will consider all your mighty acts.

Psalm 77:12 (NIrV)

CURIOSITY (15 MINS) | Large Group or Small Group

An object lesson, experiment, or activity that sparks curiosity, encourages exploration, and gets kids thinking about the wonder of God.

  • Welcome Question: What does your family do for Easter??
  • Curiosity Questions
  • STEM Experiment: Amazing Pencil 
  • Declaring God’s Wonder

BELIEF (25-35 MINS) | Large Group

A deep and interactive dive into Scripture that guides kids into knowing God more deeply, exploring His big story in the lesson of Ezekiel and the Dry Bones, and marveling at His wonder.

  • Prayer of Invitation
  • God’s Big Story: Hear It, Watch It, Experience It!
  • Connecting the Wonder Truth
  • In Awe of God’s Wonder
  • Word of Wonder: Psalm 77:12

FAITH (15 MINS) | Small Group

An intentional conversation that helps kids see the wonder of God’s story and how it connects to their own, emboldening their faith and fostering a deeper understanding of their place in God’s kingdom.

  • Word of Wonder Activity
  • Discussion Questions for Younger and Older Kids
  • Small Group Prayer Time

IDENTITY (10 MINS) | Large Group or Small Group

An interactive worship response activity that creates space for God to remind kids of these core truths: I am known, I am loved, I am led, and my life can tell of God’s wonder.

  • Responding in Worship: Wonder Truth Art
  • Blessing Your Kids
Connected Easter


We invite you to pause, listen, and shift your gaze toward the Father … 

Last year I conducted an experiment.

I wish I hadn’t.

As kids tumbled into our children’s ministry one Sunday morning, I asked them why they liked Easter.

Their answers ranged from candy to new shoes to candy to visiting cousins to egg hunts to candy. Guess who didn’t come up? Jesus.

Like you, we talk a lot about Jesus. He’s front and center, week after week. It’s our mission for kids to know, love, and follow Him. We want how kids feel about themselves and their world to be shaped by a deep awareness that Jesus loves them so dearly He literally died for them.

That’s a message we share often—especially at Easter.

Yet, somehow, the reality of Jesus’ love and sacrifice doesn’t always sink beneath the surface, deep into kids’ hearts and minds. And what’s true for our kids is often true for us too.

So here’s a challenge: As you prepare for this lesson, read John 12, 13, and 19. But don’t just skim the words—pause often to let them speak to you. Ask the Holy Spirit to let those words change you. Ask the Spirit to cement in you this truth: Jesus loves you. He loves you right now, and He’ll love you for eternity.

Make this Easter the one you see clearly: as a love story.



Pontius Pilate was the Roman governor of the province of Judea. He presided over Jesus’ trial, which involved discussion with the chief priests, who were members of the Jewish ruling council, or Sanhedrin. Pilate ultimately authorized Jesus’ crucifixion, albeit reluctantly. 


In the week leading up to His death, Jesus was anointed by Mary in Bethany and welcomed to Jerusalem as king. He predicted His death and washed His disciples’ feet. He was betrayed by Judas, tried by Pilate, and crucified at Golgotha.


The events of Holy Week took place in and around Jerusalem. Bethany was about two miles east of Jerusalem. Golgotha, where Jesus was crucified, was located outside the city gate of Jerusalem (Hebrews 13:12) somewhere near the city (John 19:20). The exact location is debated.


Jesus was crucified during the week of the Jewish Passover Feast while Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea (approximately AD 26–36). The exact date is debated, but biblical scholars often estimate Jesus’ death to be between AD 30–33.


Holy Week led up to the climactic moment of God’s big story. The death of Jesus made way for the defeat of death, the forgiveness of sins, and life forever with God in a kingdom that will never end.

DIVE IN: Holy Week

Get the FREE lesson here! Plus, see the full series overview with a glimpse inside the event guide.

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Faith begins with wonder

With ready-to-go lessons, Wonder Ink is a customizable digital curriculum and toolkit for creatively engaging kids and families in God’s Word—connecting the classroom on Sunday to their homes during the week.

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