Ministry and Parent Resources for Helping Children Heal

Though we long to shield the children in our lives from pain and tragedy, we live in a broken world where this is not always possible. As parents and ministry leaders, however, we can support children’s healing as we continue to point them to Jesus. Browse the following resources and articles for tips on helping children after a tragic event and reach out to our team if we can support you.

Helping Children Deal with Tragedy

When faced with tragedy, we want to make sense of the situation and why it’s happening. In this time, you may need to address tough questions, like “How can a good God allow suffering?” and “How can I move forward?”. Kids look to trusted adults to gauge how they should respond to loss, fear, and other difficult emotions. Here are some tips for providing biblical and age-appropriate answers while comforting the children in your care.

Build Healthy Coping Skills

One of the best ways we can help children deal with trauma or tragedy is by teaching them healthy coping skills. The Bible tells us that we can expect trouble in this life, but God is bigger than any problems or suffering we face. Talking to kids about God’s faithfulness and how He can work through even the most difficult situations is a great way to help them develop trust and resilience.

Helping Children Cope with Anxiety and Depression

Part of ministering to children in crisis is the ability to recognize mental health concerns and identify the appropriate tools and techniques to address them. Anxiety and depression are common in children and adults who have witnessed a tragedy or experienced trauma. Some children may simply need a trusted adult to listen and validate their feelings, while others would benefit from professional counseling.

These articles will equip you to recognize what each child needs and care for them with wisdom and compassion.

Devotions and Lessons for Kids Dealing with Disasters

While many of our crisis resources are designed to help trusted adults talk to children about loss and tragedy, the following Bible lessons provide activities, prayers, and more to complete with children who are processing difficult emotions. They are perfect for use at church or home and provide a helpful framework for dealing with disaster. Children will be encouraged to turn to God with their grief and fear and are reminded of His love and faithfulness toward them.